Mix in a psychic, a couple of cops and a couple of reporters and you have the Hotlanta Club. In this exciting debut of what promises to be a thrilling mystery series, Murder Most Mystic finds the Hotlanta Club members chasing a heinous serial killer using African Voodoo to murder victims. Is this a real voodoo killer or someone using voodoo to cover a hidden motive? The Hotlanta Club members are determined to find the truth.
Interwoven in the mystery of intrigue and suspense are love stories between the characters. Jamal and Lovie are immediately attracted to each other but Jamal isn¢t quite sure if falling for a psychic is best for either of them, especially since he is only on loan to the Atlanta Police Department from the Los Angeles P.D. and Omar and Shelby have been friends as long as they have worked together. Every one around them believes they are or should be a couple. But love is the last thing on Shelby's mind. Working as an investigative reporter is her life and solving these crimes have become her number one goal.
Coincidences abound when family and friends, old and new, merge to solve crimes that are fast becoming personal to more than one member of the Hotlanta Club, in Murder Most Mystic.